This bowl was created over two months of patient and diligent work with painstaking attention to detail to become the beauty you see before you. What started as a tree fallen on the side of the road near my home has become a cherished and gorgeous pedestal bowl with deep red heartwood of the Eastern Red Cedar accented with cast red epoxy resin. The resin was cast into voids, cracks and bark inclusion that were in the bowl before I began turning it on my lathe. Eastern Red Cedars grow differently than most trees in the Southeast in that they have lobes instead of being simply cylindrical and as the tree grows the bark from the inner corners of those lobes sometimes become trapped inside the tree as it continues to grow; that was true with this tree as well.
Rather than see this incredible wood go to waste I sought to embellish and accent what some deem as flaws in the wood which they believe make it "unusable". What happens with this wood during its life is a natural and beautiful process and I wanted it to be captured in this bowl. Creating this bowl was very labor intensive and as you see the price reflects that. This bowl truly is one-of-a-kind and boldly boasts a striking mixture of prominent, deep red wood with creamy white sap wood. The resin cast into the sides of the bowl can be seen through.
The bowl measures at 10" wide across the rim and stands at 6-1/2" tall.